Understanding and Dismantling Racism
Facilitated byRacism does not happen in one aspect of our lives – it is everywhere.
Transform your organization with an in-depth powerful learning seminar designed and facilitated to demonstrate how institutional racism manifests. The program explores the history of racism and discusses white privilege in an effort to “see” systemic racism and its impact. The program also provides practical tools to organize systemic change, strategies to dismantle racism, and resources for professional development.
A team of experienced facilitators advance success by creating highly engaging, collaborative, and educational sessions that broaden perspectives in an atmosphere of respect, care, and safety based on the best anti-racist teaching and learning practices to enhance outcomes in diversity, inclusion, and equity.
This program can be customized for:
- Managers, Owners, Advisory Boards
- Education; faculty, staff, administration, students
- Supervisors, Front Line Staff
- Government, Not-for-Profits, Faith Groups
- Medical, Business, Law Enforcement
- Volunteers, Elected Leaders
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